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The way I look at education is to provide meaningful experiences to students. The approach is one of ease and patience mixed with technology elements and materials. Yes, the computer software we teach is complicated by nature that's why the advancements in technology exist, but it doesn't have to scare us (the consumer) from using it.

That's not the point. Computers and tablets must be user friendly; so are the lessons reflected in my class.

In my experience, I've realized a few things:

If the subject is complicated?

break it down.

Its my Duty as a Teacher.

Are computer terms overwhelming?

try relating the important ones.

As the class Leader or Advisor.

Students have doubts about themselves?

share my personal journey. "If I can do it-So can YOU!"

Find Something in Common.

Students have found new-technology that relates to the subjects at hand? Invite them to share their findings and share it to the rest of the class and embrace change! That's the only way to GROW.

If the student was engaged in learning and completing the tasks on hand, then their grades took cake of themselves. I wanted for my students to feel at ease in the classroom. Not worry about reaching those imaginable heights-but rather concentrate in the computer in front of them, and in the graphic design software manipulation inside of it. It worked! Finally, those students who were always in the deans office started coming to class. They may had some conflicts with others but never with me. I still remember that 16 year old who got suspension for using bad language in front of a school admin. I read his suspension codes and paragraphs written about him and just realized how he never lost respect for me.

That was a realization of two things: He either loved computers or I gave him respect FIRST; then he gave respect BACK to the class.

All in all, my classroom experience has been great. I've had many students graduate with job related skills, ROCE issued work certificates and the technological knowledge to move on with their careers. I've seen the education industry move and grow in different directions and yes, sometimes I wish I had the same opportunities this younger generation now have.

But we are living in exciting times and I wouldn't change it for a thing.

Teacher's Box:

-CLAD/SDAIE strategies are also implemented in the computer lab.

-COMMON CORE strategies

-Professional Development as a growth has been met

-Professional Job Competencies are instructed and met by students

-Student designed portfolio (project based lessons)

-Student achievement goals (Student of the month, graphic design contests) are available

-College Credit courses obtainable by all students taking my Photoshop Class (College of the Desert Articulation agreement in place)

Extras/Educational Growth:

-Collaborated with other faculty and staff creating graphic design pro-bono

-Coachella Valley Teachers Association approved my Logo design to represent them

-Collaborated alongside our ASB at Coachella High School for years (promoting Prom, Dances, Fundraisers and Special School Events with signage and graphic design information)

-Collaborated alongside students to promote their films, educational videos and videos for Film Festivals in the Desert.

-Chaperoned Multimedia Design Academy students to field trips around the State including many Universities, Colleges and skillsUSA San Diego and Ontario, California; all without incidents.

-At Education for Careers in Sacramento, California: I've conducted successful seminars describing the importance of teaching Adobe Photoshop to high schoolers; And the definitive ways to help students achieve their goals.

-Continue to collaborate with Adobe in Educational Exchange program

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